Say goodbye to Twinkies

For sake of placing overall blame the past is useful, but don't you think that the Union is to blame at this point? Regardless of what lead to the bankruptcy, Hostess was at a point where they needed union workers to stop striking and work (for less pay and benefits) or liquidate. They refused and now everyone lost their job.

I don't see that as a hard concept to grasp. As stated before, I'd much rather work for less than have no job at all. The marketplace will determine if you're being underpaid or not. If you are, surely someone else out there will scoop you up.

Right. So should the workers sacrifice their market value to keep a terribly run business going in the hopes that the business will eventually not be so terrible?

According to this thread, there is still a high demand for Twinkies. I more solvent company will take advantage of that. All they have to do now is find 18,000 skilled workers. Hmmm....

The business is at fault. The business was run into the ground. The employees are getting blamed for not absorbing the business' mistakes. People on this thread are arguing that employees should put the poorly run business' interest above their own. The employess haven't lost their value level, the company has. A better company will replace Hostess, at least that's how capitalism is SUPPOSED to work. Nowadays though, companies get treated like royalty in this country and its acceptable practice to push the buck to the employees.