Say goodbye to Twinkies

Right. So should the workers sacrifice their market value to keep a terribly run business going in the hopes that the business will eventually not be so terrible?

According to this thread, there is still a high demand for Twinkies. I more solvent company will take advantage of that. All they have to do now is find 18,000 skilled workers. Hmmm....

The business is at fault. The business was run into the ground. The employees are getting blamed for not absorbing the business' mistakes. People on this thread are arguing that employees should put the poorly run business' interest above their own. The employess haven't lost their value level, the company has. A better company will replace Hostess, at least that's how capitalism is SUPPOSED to work. Nowadays though, companies get treated like royalty in this country and its acceptable practice to push the buck to the employees.

You're missing my point. I wasn't talking about big picture, but rather how you handle things from this moment on. Hostess was at the position where either the union people get back to work or everyone loses their job. The union ignored that and now, from numbers thrown around in this thread, twice as many non-union employees are out of a job as union folks are.

And Jim is right, maybe the Union folks looked at the books and said screw it. Let's burn the house down and let someone else come pick up the pieces and we'll be better off. Maybe that plays out well maybe it doesn't. However it plays out is going to take a long time. Now instead of people simply taking a pay cut and trying to take their service to the open market at the same time, they're going to have to take their services to the open market while not bringing anything in.

My point is I'd rather have 92% of my salary and look for another job than have no salary and be desperate for a job.