Say goodbye to Twinkies

Pretty much. Im as pro-free market as they come. But if you are a true free market capitialist you understand unions are a part of it. You cant produce and earn a profit with out workers. If workers do not want to sell their labor for what you can afford, then you simply cannot afford to produce your product.

If so called conservative truly believes in capitalism that they understand that his survival of the fittest. If the company cant produce and remain profitable, then it is simply a failure and should go out of business (as the big banks should have). Sure people will say they miss twinkies but seriously how many of them actually go out and spend money on that product?

Agreed. A corporation needs employees as much as employees need the corporation. They are all stakeholders in the system and if they are unable find a way to make it work (together) in a survivable format then the operation folds.