Say goodbye to Twinkies

I'm not 'missing your point' simply because I don't agree. I fully understand your point and disagree with it.

Well I guess there's no arguing with that. You're talking about who was at fault for leaving the barn door open. I'm talking about what are you going to do now that the horse is speeding away.

It's hard for Hostess to be replaced in the market, if Hostess still exists in the market.

Hostess has plenty of competitors in the market place. Many of them were named in this thread. Your comment seems to imply that you excpect some other company to come in buy everything Hostess has, walk right in the next day and turn it all on with all these people getting their jobs back.

I don't see that happening and, even in the remote chance that it will happen like that, it isn't going to happen for quite some time.

More like of the scenarios is that a number of companies come in a buy up Hostess' machinery, recipes, etc. When people are buying things off piecemeal like that, they are unlikely to be restarting the factories.