Say goodbye to Twinkies

though it does appear the bakers union is forcing the issue, the fact that Hostas is owned by equifty firms means they would rather liquidate the company and cash out for what they can then go through a long labor dispute when they really don't have to because they don't really have in vest interest in baking food, they just want the profits, or at the very least, most of their investment back.

plenty of fail here to go around on all sides.

That is the business climate now days. The unions nee to accept this and undestand that they can not longer hold companies over the fire to get their way. This is a global economy and business is cut throat. Margins are tight. Competition is fierce.

No longer can many companys handle a prolonged labor dispute. No longer are companies owned by mom and pop that care about keeping the company open. The ownership goups often do not have the resources to fight or the desire to fight. They must either operate making a profit or close the doors. That is business.