Say goodbye to Twinkies

Well, if the boss triples his salary and the next two guys double theirs while they're also trying to tell me I have to take a freaking cut of they're going to close then, yes.

Yes, it is. They can take their big fat salaries and burn in hell.

Remember, sir, this is a free market and I have the right to sell my services to whomever I might like for whatever price I see fit. You don't have the right to tell some other worker he has to work for less.

skip the part where the CEO agreed to work at 1 buck a year?

What the deal was to get the company back on its feet. And it sounds fair to me. I read cookie line workers made 55k average....

The new contract cuts salaries across the company by 8% in the first year of the five-year agreement. Salaries then bump up 3% in the next three years and 1% in the final year.

Hostess has also reduced its pension obligations and its contribution to the employees' health care plan. In exchange, the company offered concessions including a 25% equity stake for workers and the inclusion of two union representatives on an eight-member board of directors. To top of page