Say goodbye to Twinkies

Wow you have no clue on starting a business. Many Americans started a business on pocket change and made it big. This is why foreigners are successful, they don't seem to have these big labor union views of how its impossible to start a business with nothing but the sweat equity and a will to do it. Somehow you have to be rich to start a place up is a farce. All it takes is an idea, talent, and a crap ton of labor.

I for one sold my business due to the tax climate, 80 hrs a week, and this administration but I was doing well for someone that went in debt to buy a saltwater aquarium shop. I took out a loan and only had a few hundred bucks to start. In 5 years it went from Gross 15k a month sales to 45k a month. Problem was not the pay it was the hours, figure those in and you as a owner are under min wage.

Actually I know a fair amount, but that is besides the point. Sure some business can be started for "pocket change," However a bakery is going to require a brick and mortor retail location (assuming you dont have a distribution chain already in place) and then you will have to have equipment, commercial grade mixers, storage, ovens, pans, then you have to have ingrediants and various other supplies. Its not like a landscaping company where you just need a lawn mower and a weed eater and you can go to work for yourself.

The average cost of starting a bakery is usually about a quarter of a million dollars. I dont know how you roll, but thats more than pocket change to a $12.00 an hour factory employee.

So its pretty obvious who is in fact clueless.