Say goodbye to Twinkies

I'm curious where you got the 55k a year number? At 12 an hour working 60 a week assuming 1.5 for over time that's ~ $43500 And that's working 60 hours a week every week.

I also did not see where the CEO was working for $1.00 a year.

You are clearly making up half the stuff you post, and copy and pasting the other half.

Try google and a little reading. That's what I did it has more news reports then I can read to find it again. Your union mentality is at least consistent you assume one baker makes 12 bucks an hour so they all must be equal. Maybe that one was new or just sucked at his job. News report showed it averaged at 55k. Now ask the HR department how much they cost after all the taxes and such...Usually a lot more then their gross pay.