Say goodbye to Twinkies

I agree the rich and powerful have mismanaged things for decades and now that it's time to pay the piper thy blame the little man instead of decades of bad business (policy).

This is exactly what happened. These companies make profit hand over fist, destroy all their competition, make risky overseas investments with nepotistic bankers giving their friends kids corporate loans, and do it for decades, but as soon as workers require so much as a bone thrown in their direction, the whole thing comes crashing down. And labor is to blame. lol.

If the market were rational, corporations weren't allowed to buy up and destroy all their competition, and banking was done fairly in a reformed banking system, you would have another company spring up immediately where Hostess fell, and labor costs would reset, jobs would be created, we would have a new brand of tasty treat, and these issues wouldn't be so threatening on a case by case basis.