Say goodbye to Twinkies

No, I'm not. You're assuming these striking workers just unwittingly and greedily decided to strike without thinking about their future. Seriously, you're naive if you think these people haven't contemplated this move. You've known about this for about a day now and now you talk as if you have deeply considered how this is going to effect these people over the long term more than the people themselves. The striking workers know better than all of us what predicament Hostess was in. They made the decision to push Hostess to this point. I think its incredibly arrogant of you to think you understand the decision better than the workers that have been mulling over this.

But without even a second glance, you've decided that 92% of their pay is enough to continue. I'm curious as to what number would it have taken for you to think the strikers were justified? 90, 80, 70%? 50% is still better than nothing?

Honestly, you all are making determinations of these people's worth independently of knowing what the market dictates their worth would be given that they worked for a healthy company.


It is clear that you either aren't reading what I'm writing, can't understand what I'm writing or are simply willfully ignoring it. I tip my hat to your devotion to staying on message, but I refuse to participate in a "discussion" with someone where that appears to be their sole focus.

Good day.