Say goodbye to Twinkies

way off on the numbers 1700 was my electric bill. what planet you on with 300 utilities on a fish store. the markup was 3 times on livestock as an industry average...point is its not impossible anyone can do it with hard work.

Posted from App for Android

So, you're telling us that your markup on fish and stuff was 300% so a fish that cost you $10 you sold for $30 or are you saying you added 300% so it would be $40?

Still, your numbers don't add up, bro. I don't know what SWJJ does, but you're not going to slide bad retail math by me.

You said $45k per month with a 300% markup. That's leaving you a gross margin of $30k per month. Whether your power bill was $300 or $5000 per month it doesn't matter. Even if you were paying $5k per month in rent and $5k per month in power, you still should have been making out like a freak. Heck, even if we assume the $45k per month included your 8 hours per day in service calls and they were half of your business and you made a zero return on it, then you should have been making 22500 - 33% = $15k in gross margin per month. Dropping $5k for rent and utilities you should have been clearing $10k per month and not $8.25 per hour.

Even if half your inventory was DOA, your math still doesn't add up, but it's clear that your choice to get out of the fish business was wise.