Say goodbye to Twinkies

Math is your friend when in business and if you can sell $45k per month at a 300% muf with rent and utilities less than $3k per month and a third of your time is spent doing service calls and installs at 120 hours per week then you're not charging enough.

It's not an Obama fault. It's not regulation. It's the owner and his model. And, to the person's post who made the claim that nobody, but him understands that that is what it takes to run a small business, my response is simple.

It does not take 120 hours to make a living in a small retail business. If it does, you're doing it wrong.

Well if your passion is Marine Aquariums then it is. You cant have a day off for Christmas, or take a weekend off. Fish have to eat and if a system has a pump go out you can loose 10k in a few hours. Employees are the main issue fish guys and fish girls are hard to find. I had one reliable employee in the 5 years, heck even caught a Mormon girl stealing coral.

In hind site I would have opened an Asian Massage parlor cause that sells itself and you just gotta go pick up money.....