Say goodbye to Twinkies

Might want to research the industry prior to making broad statements. I was very well informed on the industry and the hobby prior to buying. I worked with, and knew several very successful people in the market and know coral reef tanks better then most. I was stone dumb on how many taxes were out there when opening a place though. I made it past that money grab but now its just too much, if I didn't hire an accountant (more income gone) you run the risk of messing up and going to jail these days. Obama's admin has have a lot of effects on importation of marine animals as well as the burden Obama care is putting on pet stores. Margins are not allowing them to keep employees with the fines. I know few places that offer health care and you cant really raise prices with internet competition having the upper hand already. Stores here are dropping staff or using 1099 for labor. In this climate I doubt I would have been able to sell the store at all. I saw this coming though, but again I sold to spend more time with kids and less with fish not that my business model was failing.

You said you were working 120 hours and making less than minimum wage. That's about $320 per week and working 120 hours for $320 per week is what I would call a dismal failure. It's also completely impossible that Obamacare had anything to do with it because it hasn't even been enacted. And, were it to have been, you said in one instance you were the only employee and later that you had one, but either way your business wouldn't have qualified.

However, you, personally, would have been eligible for personal healthcare subsidies since you were making so little money.

So, in fact, Obamacare and regulation had nothing to do with your failure. It would have actually helped you and your employees. Still, your Romney style math doesn't add up.