Best Seinfeld Episode

The one I mentioned earlier, the Assman, is also the one with "the move" and Jerry thinks that Putty stole his move (which is fine with Elaine because she likes the move).

So when Jerry confronts him, it "ruins it" for him and he won't do it anymore. Then this scene happens :hihi::

(Elaine comes in looking a bit peeved)

JERRY: Hey, Elaine.

ELAINE: Yeah, yeah, hello.

JERRY: Is it something I said?

ELAINE: Yes! As a matter of fact! David Putty won't do the move anymore.

JERRY: Really?

ELAINE: Oh, he's come up with some other move. You should see this thing.

JERRY: What is it?

ELAINE: Oh, it's a lot of just fancy-shmancy stuff. You know what it's like? It's like a big budget movie with a story that goes *nowhere*.


ELAINE: I mean, this move is no good, Jerry. It's just taking up a lot of my time. And I...will not stand by and allow him to perform this move on me, when a perfectly good move is just sitting in the barn doing nothing!

GEORGE: Let me ask you a question. This new move. Is there a knuckle involved in any way?

ELAINE: Yes. As a matter of fact, there is.

GEORGE: I think that's my move!

ELAINE: I'm not surprised.

Frank : I sssttopppped shooort....
