Jon Stewart's plea for gun control

What's with this insistence on a "Conversation" that I keep hearing? Every anti-gun statement I hear tends to be an emotional plea about how important it is we have a Conversation. It's apparently very important to have this Conversation Right Now. Earlier on we couldn't have this Conversation; however, Right Now It Is Finally Time To Have This Conversation. When I agree to the conversation, I get more emotional pleas from people who have never seen or touched a working firearm in their entire lives.

If gun control is so important to Stewart, why does he spend all but 30 or so seconds of it making emotional pleas and mocking the easy targets of right-wing media outlets instead of making actual suggestions? I'd be happy to have this super-important Conversation people seem to want so much if it consisted of actual logical proposals instead of them yelling "we have to do SOMETHING!!!!!!!1" over and over.

Sad how 95% of anti-gun vitriol is just vague emotional whining and the remaining 5% is inept and often mechanically impossible nonsense about meaningless terms like "assault weapon."