Jon Stewart's plea for gun control

Anti-gun people have been trying to have a conversation on the growing concern of guns for decades now. If you haven't heard of it before it's because you haven't been paying attention. The reason they want it now is because of recent events that have shined a spotlight onto the problem. Sandy Hook is something to big to easily ignore like everyone did a couple weeks after most mass shootings.

The reason this conversation needs to happen is because it is a problem. Mass shootings are accelerating. You can list of a bunch of reasons for it, but one of the main contributing factors is the ease in which they had access to firearms. None of them had to search the black market. None of them was looking around back allies for an illegal gun. They simply went into gun shops and bought weapons used to murder dozens of people.

This is a problem. Gun rights people try to side step it as an issue. They are throwing up roadblocks left and right. Distraction is their game because they hope to sweep it back under the rug.