Jon Stewart's plea for gun control

You want to curb violence in the inner city where gun violence is most rampant? Invest in education and job/vocational training and lift people out of poverty. That is the biggest thing we can do to curb gun violence other than some sort of psychological evaluation in order to purchase a firearm.

Do we need to make sure mentally disturbed people don't get their hands on guns? Of course. Banning certain weapons isn't going to make a damned difference.

First you have to break the entitlement mentality to motivate someone to want an education. Its a lot harder then what you say. Why work or go to school when the feds will cut you a check for rent and food and you can hustle all day. Legalize and tax drugs for starts cause no inner city kid wants education to get a 20 buck an hour job when they can make hundreds an hour with no education on the street. Sadly I see this a lot in my hood and my wifes family. Takes awhile for kids to wake up and see the light for most its too late and they are dead or in jail.