Jon Stewart's plea for gun control

Personally, I agree with this sentiment. The problem is two fold.
1. Defining an assault rifle in a way that doesn't include hunting/sporting rifles.
2. Once reasonable minded gun owners give up ground on an "assault rifle" and it doesn't solve the gun problem, what's next?

For the record, I'm not sure how I feel on an assault rifle ban b/c I think the problem with gun homicide is more pertinent to hand guns. However, I also don't have an objection to an assault rifle ban. I agree that the definition needs to be clear though.

Second, I don't buy the slippery slope argument. We already ban all kinds of weapons, and I'm sure you're not arguing for allowing unfettered access to all arms, so we already impose limits on who can own what kind of weapon -- this is just part of debate on where the line is drawn.