Jon Stewart's plea for gun control

That's kinda the point though. YOU have training and understand how to employ your weapon. There is a high percentage of people out there that don't have a clue on what they are doing, they think they do, but they don't. Those of us charged with carrying an assault weapon for duty go through countless hours of classroom and practical training. The average active shooter with an assault rifle has little to no training and yet is able to inflict serious damage to multiple victims.

I would dare to say most active shooters use a pistol vs a rifle. A rifle just isnt effective in close quarters. That was the point I was trying to make in a round about way. It is way easier to conceal a pistol and get to shooting, even surpressing the sound if necessary than a rifle. Just the size and shape alone make sneaking a rifle in difficult. I am more affraid of responding to an active threat where the perp is using a pistol than a rifle only because the pistol can be concealed and when the adreneline is pumping and tunnel vision is setting in, I could miss that pistol. Now if I had to respond for across an open field or something, then yeah, I would be affraid of said rifle more so than a pistol.