Jon Stewart's plea for gun control

We don't have a problem with bombs. There aren't millions of bombs already in the hands of civilians. Besides, if someone wants to make a bomb they just need about $100 and make a trip to Ace Hardware, Wal-Mart or Lowe's. Legalizing them would make no sense and they serve no legit purpose.

Cancer drugs save lives, alcohol for consumption does not. Alcohol ruins lives, kills families and provides very little social benefit. I'm not for outlawing it or even limiting volume because we have the right to make our own decisions and making laws to stop people from drinking doesn't work anyway.

You will never agree with what I have to say. From your post you thinks guns are only made, purchased and used to harm things. You think shooting up a paper target at a target range is harming things. You think that providing food while keeping animal populations in check and limiting diseases is harming things. You think someone having a shotgun in their closet for home defense is harming things. You think shooting skeet is harming things.

Guns are already curbed. The public with extremely few exceptions can't go buy an automatic weapon. You can't go to the store and buy a gatlin gun or even a true multi-fire assault rifle.

The comparison is more than legit. My points are more than fair, you just don't have the ability to see these because you probably enjoy alcohol and despise guns. It's different when it impacts your life and so much easier to try and pass laws and bans for other people. How can you not see that booze related deaths are multiple times higher than gun deaths. How can you not see that millions of people are addicted to alcohol? How can you not see that roughly 100,000,000 in the US alone have an alcoholic in their immediate family? Why is it worse when a 100 or so kids are killed in the classroom each year than when 1400 children are killed by drunk driving accidents? Do you only value the life of a child that was shot?

We've had an assault rifle ban before. We've also had quite a few studies from both sides of the aisle saying it had NO IMPACT ON CRIME, GUN CRIME, HOMICIDES, GUN RELATED DEATHS. So if it doesn't solve any problems why do you care? Do you drive around in fear that some guy is going to pop up with an AR-15 and open fire on you at the Supermarket? If so that fear is irrational, the odds you are killed by a rifle of any kind at any time in the next year is 1:1,800,000, much lower for just assault rifles. The odds you are killed by a drunk driver in the next year 1:19000 or over 100 times more likely than being killed by an assault rifle.

Then again, you are the same person that doesn't mind the goverment telling you what you can eat and drink.

Who doesn't have a problem with bombs? Bomb making is illegal. Lots of people could make lots of bad things if they knew how.

Obviously i'm not saying cancer drugs should be illegal, i'm saying that your argument is that if guns are illegal why not make all things that hurt people illegal. Cars, alcohol, etc. You're abviously trying to illicit a response, but the fact remains that alcohol has been used for medicinal reasons throughout history and are now used to get hammered and have a good time. cars are use for transportation. Guns created to harm people. Gun powder may have been used by the chinese for fireworks, but now it's used to harm people. I'm not against listening to an argument for curbing alcohol, I just wish gun owners were for listening to an argument to curb gun ownership.

well you're just not understanding what I am saying at all. you are ignoring the fact that a gun is created to harm things. That is in fact it's purpose. You can use it to shoot trees or targets. You can even use it to keep overpopulated species in check (which by the way harms those creatures). A gun can be used for protection (even if for good that is harming something). A guns purpose is to harm. I don't think they should be illegal, but I am willing to aknowledge their purpose.

and i'm very happy that you can tell me what kind of person I am. I'm not going to be as assumptive as you and try and tell you who you are.

For your information I am against taxation on things I enjoy, but I'm not going to protest about things that I enjoy being taxed when they're things I don't need. I would like to pay no taxes obviously, but I understand that that isn't reasonable.

I also would prefer if you stopped saying silly things like "is the life of a mexican less than the life of a..." or "do you care about the life of a child more if he's shot...". You're talking outside of both sides of your mouth. You're trying to get an emotion reaction by showing how many children die from alcohol and then you condem me as someone who is ok with their governemtn telling them what they can and can't do. Which is it? do you want to ban alcohol? I guess not. drunk driving is demonized in this country. this country tried to ban alcohol, that made things worse. So this country legalized it and now demonizes drinking and driving. What would you prefer they do? I'd love to hear your idea for curbing child deaths to drunk driving. I hope the argument isn't to legalize crack, meth, heroine and a ton of other drugs like you proposed earlier.

I just wish you'd make up your mind. If it's for sport and shooting targets, then they aren't necessary like cars are and lets open the discussion of what we can restrict. If they are for home protection, then yes their intent is to harm another creature (for good or not).

I don't even know why i'm arguing with someone who is comparing assault rifles to:

Alcohol, fattening foods, Sugar, Tobacco, knives, Baseball bats, dogs, cars, boats, gas, electricity, water, cold air, hot air, lightening, planes, motorcycles, ATV's, plastics, prescription medicine, garage door openers, razor blades, tylenol, bicycles, and about a thousand other things.