So who's part of the 29%?
LOL, Widge, I do love your responses. Impressive!
(Law & Order SVU Quote:
"Your honor, the defendant is charged with sexual misconduct, Section 34B."
"34B?! What is it counsel...was the victim a dead human or a live animal?"
I crack up everytime I see that rerun. :) )
Yes, Nixon's price controls had a direct impact on the dismal economics of the Carter years.
If the rest of the country is leery of throwing money at New Orleans, we need only blame ourselves.
As of January, the city had left $600 million in aid unclaimed.
Nagin trying to make a profit on over $100 million in federal emergency funding caused the city to lose that $100 million and the illegal profit he made by putting it in an interest-bearing account instead of spending it like he was supposed to.
Agency: New Orleans Hasn't Claimed $600M
Nagin Complains About Hurricane Funds, But Officials Say All He Needs To Do Is Ask