So who's part of the 29%?


Dems aren't doing any better in the credibility department.

Problem is we have a lack of leaders. Representatives are owned. They take marching orders, parrot scripted talking points.

It's degenerated into a farce.

We have an amnetsy bill that is sold as immigration reform.

And the list goes on...

Orwell is laughing somewhere.
The only difference between Democrat and Republican is in the special interest group served.

We have the best congress money can buy, and if most of us conducted our professional lives the way these clowns do we'd all be in the pokey, delicensed or excommunicated. Or all three.

I have no problem whatsoever imagining the Roman citizens sitting around 2000 years ago and saying the same things about their politicians. Just not via internet!!!

As you say, Blackadder, it is indeed a farce!! What's the line from the Rush song,

All the worlds indeed a stage
We are merely players
Performers and portrayers
Each anothers audience
Outside the gilded cage

Screw 'em all. They have no idea of true control. It's not wielded outside but within. They think only of self-aggrandizement and power, two of the most illusory and transient concepts known to man. Likely known ONLY to man.