So who's part of the 29%?
>>MOD EDIT will go down in history as one of the worst, if not the worst, US presidents ever. History will justifiably not be kind to him, nor will Karma. He has done more to foster separateness and division in this country than any president I can remember, and that may be his longest-standing legacy. Haves vs. have-nots. Pro- vs against war. Pro choice vs pro life. The list goes on ad nauseum.
And it won't even be close for 20th/21st Century Presidents. Forget "double digit inflation", or any other elements of the Carter era. At least they had principles and the general intelligence level (while sober) of the masses > today.
Again, it's not even close. Worst administration in the last 50 or 60 years (maybe even 90). They have done nothing of quality. Nothing. Zero. Mindless masses hooked on reality television, "the real world", etc.
Everything is dumbed down to the point where we are who we elect. Go U.S. and A.