So who's part of the 29%?

I've been in the exact same situation. My republican boss was making fun of Katrina victims four days after the storm (glug, glug, glug)--and I didn't know where much of my family was!

Ask those same card-carrying R's who complain about their money going to New Orleans about the 12 billion dollars of taxpayer money that went MISSING in Iraq and they get real quiet real fast.
These kinds of stories make me sick. How would these people feel if it were happening to them or their families? As Jesus said,"As ye sow, so shall ye reap." As the Buddha said, "All we are is the result of all we have thought, as we think, so we become."

So what will these people reap, and what will they become? When our compassion for the suffering of others departs, so does our humanity.