So who's part of the 29%?

While I agree it’s premature to hang the “worst ever” label on him, I don’t think it’s exaggerating to say he’s got the potential of having that honor. IMHO, the odds are very good that he will at least be one of the worst.

My biggest beef with this administration is the disdain for checks/balances and the trampling of the Constitution. They came into power declaring they would strengthen the Executive. They were successful and Jefferson is rolling over. Of course I’m also miffed about the cronyism, intimidation of the press, and the sheer breadth of the incompetence (From New Orleans to Iraq!), but I digress. FDR has the New Deal and WW2. Lincoln has emancipation and preservation of the Union. For these things, historians will forever forgive the transgressions. For Dubya’s missteps to be forgotten, there’s going to have to be a miracle in the Middle East. As of this writing, it ain’t looking good.

The New Deal is debateable. It perhaps had a useful psychological effect at the time and we got some nice national parks and public infrstructure out of it.

But economically it didn't do much. Throughout the 30s the economy tanked and the depression didn't end until we ramped up war production. And it could be argued that the New Deal entrenched the idea that government and bureaucracy was the solution to everything.