So who's part of the 29%?
While I don't agree with everything the President has done or all of his policies, I do think he has had some success. His tax cuts have kept the economy strong even after a recession coming into office, a major terrorist attack, and the gulf coast being pummeled by hurricanes. Also, he engaged the terrorist militarily and fought back while other presidents wanted to ignore it and treat it as a police matter. I disagree with him not using his veto pen on the spending that has plagued Wash and his amnesty proposals. The lack of respect for this President is alarming, whether you disagree with his policy's or not. Some children may hear how some people are disrespectful to President Bush, or the Office of the President, and they think it is ok to be disrespectful to authorities in their own life.
Let's talk about Congress, they are even worse. The Dems promised reform and change and have done nothing they promised. Everyone bashes President Bush about hurricane recovery, but the Dems control the budget and I haven't seen them do anything either to help us. They continue their pork spending with earmarks and endless hearings on issues which have no effect on the public. The Dems have offered 0 of their own solutions to the war on terror, ss, education, etc.
They both deserve equal criticism.