The short answer is yes, they do. A lot of these kids have been handed everything once their 'amazing talent' started showing itself. It's a sad world where adults coddle and bend over backwards for kids who can run fast or shoot a ball. I've known some of them including a baseball pitcher who graduated in my class who could not SAY his ABCs, much less read and write. The really sad thing is he never reached the majors, so I'm sure he's ended up just another minimum wage earner (or worse) barely getting by in the world. Yeah, folks did him a real service coddling him alng for his talent. Another kid, football player, got a full ride scholarship to Tulane for sports until they discovered he couldn't read. He was kicked out of school. I don't know what happened to him, either.
Too bad they don't give the same sort of handouts (and you know I don't mean scholarships) to kids who are geniuses at math or science or in literature. You know, the ones who actually can make a huge difference for the better in the world with their brains.