4 Bama Freshmen arrested
Really? Ryan Perrilloux? Tyrann Mathieu? For all of Les' faults, he's pretty consistent with discipline. He gives second chances, but doesn't really sweep anything under the rug and follows his policies strictly. No matter who you are.
I do not disagree with this at all. My post was directed at that contingent of LSU fans who think Saban does everything right and Miles does everything wrong. Whenever some problem crops up with an LSU player they point to a lack of discipline in the LSU program. I think LSU and Alabama basically recruit the same type players and handle discipline the same way.
Perrilloux is actually a good example. I think had he not been a star player he would have been run from the team long before they finally did. Star players do tend to get cut more slack. That happens everywhere.
It depends a lot on the nature of the offense. Mathieu had multiple chances. He got run because the rules mandated it, the coach had no discretion after you fail a certain number of tests.
I thought Miles handled the JJ suspension correctly. Once it got reduced to a misdemeanor he was allowed back on team. JJ did not have a big history of problems at LSU at the time.
Saban has a tougher time with this deal. Robbery is a lot different from a bar fight. Robbery is typically a premeditated offense against a person done for financial gain and is a felony. I think that warrants dismissal from the team. Miles could not let JJ back on the team with felony charges pending.
Some might say the police and DA helped JJ get his charges reduced. The reverse is true. Had he not been an LSU football player this would have been another one of 100 barfights that happen at college bars every year. JJ got over-prosecuted. I have never in my life seen search warrants issue after a bar fight.
Back to the original point. This event shows Alabama has just the same type of discipline problems LSU does. They recruit the same type of athletes. For the most part the coaches handle it the same way.