That Carnival Cruise ship finally made it to Mobile

what i dont understand is some of the commentators ive seen on CNN and elsewhere who seem to have the opinion that this was simply a 'vacation gone wrong', and not a disaster.. now, im not saying it was a disaster of the proportions of Katrina or anything-- but anytime i am forced to walk around raw sewage, stand in line 3 hours for crappy 'food', pull my mattress out on deck to sleep because the room is swelteringly hot and go to the bathroom in a bag-- i'm sorry, but that is way, way more than an inconvenience..... not to mention the elderly people who were unable to keep their medications refrigerated, pregnant women, etc.. i dont consider myself a reactionary, overly litigious person-- but if i had been on that cruise, you can bet your *** i'd be talking to a lawyer FIRST thing this morning.

Curious as to why you would feel compelled to seek an attorney. If this was honestly an unforeseen incident and the crew did everything possible to make the situation as bearable as possible, why would you talk to a lawyer?

I understand that it would have sucked but if the company manned up and offered suitable compensation... I would be fine.