not trying to be sarcastic-- but have you even read the thread?? i would seek an attorney in order to look into whether or not the company had red flags that the ship was in dire need of repairs before the incident took place... , and to find out exactly why there was no plan whatsoever in place to get passengers out of what one scientist called a 'floating petri dish' sooner in the event of something like this happening.. and after finding answers to those two main questions, i would then seek appropriate compensation.
based on what i've read that theyre offering: $500, a refund of the cruise and *most* (not all) expenses and a credit for a future cruise.. i would say that what they consider to be 'suitable compensation' is an insult to the people who had to go through that misery, and for insulting them like that, i would stick it to them even harder.
i've never filed a lawsuit against anyone in my life, nor have i ever collected disablity, workers comp, etc.. but the only way to get some of these big corporations to pay any sort of attention whatsoever and to change their culture of putting off repairs, jacking passengers around, etc. is to hit them in the only place they care about: their bottom line.