So who's part of the 29%?
The “wait until the classified information is released” argument that seems to be in vogue for some of the Dubya supporters is unfortunately nothing but wishful thinking. At some point reason and logic must trump fantasy. As a rhetorical device it’s clever because it allows them to escape engaging in a rigorous defense of the administrations dubious decisions vis-a-vis foreign policy. One thing is for darn sure and that’s that there will be no declassified information to explain Dubya and Rummy ignoring the advice of the military brass about initial troop numbers. Nor will there be any classified information that justifies the numerous breaches of the Constitution (cue the lame FDR and Lincoln arguments) in prosecuting the war. I venture to say there’ll be no classified information that’s released that exonerates the administration for not sufficiently equipping the troops. There’s an even smaller chance that super secret info is released that validates the negligent oversight of troop health/welfare after they’ve returned. The list is endless.
One must be a realist and look at the number and magnitude of the missteps. It’s really quite an achievement to be so consistently wrong. We’ve got military and political leaders who are saying out loud that this was a bad idea. Those who propagate “the future will vindicate them” hogwash are unfortunately deluding themselves. I aspire to that level of delusion. Think I’ll get started right now.