US to parachute tylenol-laced mice into Guam - you can't make this stuff up

After reading the article about medical costs, and knowing the frivolus spending by the government, I wonder how much the mice and Tylenol cost us.

Sadly, this how your concerns would be portrayed in this political climate.

El Caliente is in favor of brown tree snakes. El Caliente thinks getting rid of brown tree snakes is an example of frivolous spending by the government. El Caliente wants us to be marred in this epidemic of brown tree snakes. Ask yourself, is that someone you want in office? Someone that is a friend to the deadly brown tree snake?


"Putting tylenol in dead mice and parachuting them over Guam will not add one dime to the national debt."
-President Barack Obama
See, there's nothing to worry about.:hihi: