Louisiana State Health Department Forces Homeless Shelter To Destroy $8,000 Worth Of Deer Meat

KTBS-TV reports that the Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission lost 1,600 pounds of venison because the state’s Health Department doesn’t recognize Hunters for the Hungry, an organization that allows hunters to donate any extra game to charity.

“We didn’t find anything wrong with it,” Rev. Henry Martin told KTBS. “It was processed correctly, it was packaged correctly.”


Martin says that bleach had to be poured onto the meat in order to destroy it.

“They threw it in the dumpster and poured Clorox on it,” Martin told KTBS. “Not only are we losing out and it’s costing us money, the people that are hungry aren’t going to get as quality of food, the hunter that’s given his meat in good faith is losing out.”

“While we applaud the good intentions of the hunters who donated this meat, we must protect the people who eat at Rescue Mission, and we cannot allow a potentially serious health threat to endanger the public,” the Health Department stated.


"We don't know if the meat is 100% safe, so we've decided that hungry people are better off eating out of dumpsters."


This reminds me of Bloomberg outlawing food donations to homeless people because he can't monitor and control the salt, fat and fiber content.

Another article I read said that this happened because a homeless person complained about being fed deer meat. I guess beggars can be choosers.