Amber Alert a few days ago

A few days ago I was looking at the weather on the national weather service and noticed and Amber Alert in SE Texas and SW La. I almost always click on them and read when I see them. This particular one struck me as quite odd almost instantly and questioned if this is what the system was designed for. An hour or two after the alert was issued it was canceled. Here is the original alert.

The person she got in the car with was her boyfriend and she was later "found" at her boyfriends house.

I don't know. It rubbed me the wrong way to see an amber alert on a 17 year old with a tatoo after she willingly got into a car with her boyfriend.

I would like to think that the entity issuing the Amber Alert did so in good faith. It appears that the person that reported her missing knew her based on the description so I would imagine that person would also know about the boyfriend.

That said, unless the witness saw the boyfriend physically put her in the car against her will or something equally concerning I suspect the witness is a parent/family member that does not approve of the relationship and got police involved when then they should not have been.

Without additional information I'm not willing to determine any wrong doing took place.