Hugo Chavez Dead

How is this a good thing? How do you benefit from his death? So our money hungry government can have more political control of his country? Believe it or not his people loved him! He helped the poor, and fought to rid his land of poverty.

The media we all get our information from portrays him as an evil man, but what evil has he done that our government has not done worse? Ask yourself this before listening to biased opinions of him. No I am not saying I agreed with some of the stunts he pulled off, but what has he done that presidents of our past have not? Has he sent drones to third wolf countries knowing innocent children would die in the cross fire? He has imprisoned those that opposed to his political campaigns, but have any of yyou studied about Mr. Honest abe, and the journalist he had arrested in Boston? People with nuclear weapons are considered evil, but how many have actually used them? Oh yeah only us.

What you have read about chavez is usually biased. No, he was not a good man, but remember that there are men with worst intentions then this small country president.

I got my info from my grandmother, 2 aunts, 2 uncles, several cousins, and family friends who live in Colombia.... I'm happy he's dead. What our govt has/does isn't relevant to this thread, regardless of anyone's opinion... besides, we all know our govt is a piece of work