Hugo Chavez Dead

Praying for peace in Venezuela, but happy this guy is gone. The country will be better off without him. Having lived there, and having friends who currently lived there, this is a good thing for everyone but the guys that sucked off the government teet for so long.

Bala, its funny you should mention the media being biased. The media in Venezuela is the exact opposite, and say he is a great guy. And you know why? In 2002 when they last kicked Chavez out of the country, he returned and had all his people from the ranchitos up on the hills in Caracas go and bring down tv station satalites so that people couldn't get the news being reported. Many reporters pre-Chavez were either terminated, or changed their tune because Chavez was going to have his people take care of them.

MVR/PSUV...bunch of clowns.