Die Hard Questions

The original has been on alot lately and 2 things I hadn't noticed before came to mind:

1. The opening scene. John McClane walks into the Nakatomi Building. He asks the guard at the front desk where he can find Holly McClane.

The guard responds with check the computer. John does and she's on the 34th floor.

i remember noticing years ago after one viewing that when McClane scrolls through the names to look for his wife, he notices to his chagrin that she has reverted back to her maiden name, 'Gennaro'.. however, in another scene of the movie (or maybe in the end credits(?)), her maiden name is spelled as 'Generro'.. Anyway it was two diferrent spellings, and i believe there is something in the imdb trivia or goofs section about this discrepancy, i'm too lazy to look now.. in any case, DH is one of a select few movies that i love to turn on almost anytime it's aired, just to have on in the background.. as long as its not one of those channels that dubs out the cuss words, i hate when they do that ****.