Hugo Chavez Dead

For a guy that supposedly helped the poor, he sure was compensated well for it.

According to Jerry Brewer, president of Criminal Justice International Associates (CJIA), Hugo Chavez’s net worth might have been bolstered by absconding money from the people of Venezuela:

“The personal fortune of the Castro brothers has been estimated at a combined value of around $2 billion. The Chávez Frías family in Venezuela has amassed a fortune of a similar scale since the arrival of Chávez to the presidency in 1999 We believe that organized bolivarian criminal groups within the Chávez administration have subtracted around $100 billion out of the nearly $1 trillion in oil income made by PDVSA since 1999.”

If there was the slightest evidence that Chavez had embezzled millions don't you think the CIA might have released a full and well documented paper trail just before an election.

If you have any evidence then release it......

Otherwise why not accuse them of goat molesting.