Starcraft 2

Waiting to finish God of War, Hitman, & Ni No Kuni, then I'll pick this up. Between my 20+ hours of Dota 2 a week, it may be awhile.

Beware if you play online. Tempest is the most over powered unit EVER. That thing has 36 range. I have been taking people's bases out from nearly half way across the map. I have seen it totally rape people easily. The Tempest is so OP because of it's range and how nothing can counter it. Marines get shredded from splash damage. Thors are a joke because you can sit back and take Thors out from a distance, without them even being near you. Stalkers ROFL LOL LOL I can't help but laugh at the number of times I see Toss players mass Stalkers against Tempest like it's going to do something. They get shredded from a distance too, and when they blink back, they still take damage. I have seen Vikings take them out, but you need like 50 Vikings, or else you will die. Corruptors work for a bit, that is until they all die from splash damage.

That thing was supposed to be the Anti Muta unit, and it turned into the God unit of the game. People said mass BC's were ovepowered before Brood War came out, they haven't seen nothing yet.

What I do is build like 5-10 VR's behind my 10 Tempest just to soak up damage, and most the time I don't even need that cause nothing comes in range of them before dying.

Also the Widow Mines make Terran still overpowered on the ground. Just the fact those things cost 25 minerals and 75 gas and the fact that they are not 1 time only and can blow up a whole army, is absolutely ridiculous. If you are a Terran in 1v1 against a Zerg, OK do the 7 minute rush. You can throw down an extractor and make 2 mines at the same time. Go in with like 6 marines and 4 mines, lay the mines down in the Zerg base. If they expoed early, they have nothing but lings to defend. Even if they take out your marines, they have no detection and screwed. If you put the widow mines near their mineral lines, it's gg from there.

I do have to say the campaign has been loads more fun than Wings of Liberty. I'm down to the last 4 missions, stopped so I didn't spoil it. It's not only fun to play with Kerrigan, you get to level her up like an RPG game, and that is the most brilliant part of it, using her special abilities and getting achievements for them. Wait until you get her Leaping ability and the Psionic Charge, then it gets extremely more fun.

I might go back and finish the campaign tonight or in the morning, or at least get my Stukov portrait.