Alltime favorite guitarists

Fine. You opened the door.

I like Tool. No complaint there.

i like Tool as well :9:

As far as Satch is concerned, have you ever seen him play live? I'm not going all Satch crazy here (I like Vai and Johnson better), but the guy is pretty phenomenal. If you listen to the way he phrases, the way he works in and out of harmonic content (polychordal/atonal improvisation), his interpretation and ability to stress and release his solos at exactly the right times to fit with the band (live, he's incredibly cognizant of what the band is doing around him). He truly is an amazing player. The funny thing is, I don't particularly care for his studio albums, but just go onto youtube and listen to his live work and he stands the test to me.

i saw "Satch" at HOB about 6 years ago i guess....and it was a cool show...i think Eric Johnson opened up for him(i liked him more)...i never said he wasn't a great guitar player....his style of music just doesn't really do much for me..

You see, I liked this thread because it just was a listing of people who you liked - not people you didn't like. So it was cool to talk positively about guys like Adam Jones because he does bring interesting things to the table.

ok....but this is a message board and not everyone likes the same stuff

But when someone starts saying something negative about a player that someone else really likes, it is disrespectful to the person who likes them - as if their opinions are somehow not based on any basis of knowledge or logic.

if you feel disrespected because someone doesn't like the same things you do, maybe you need to rethink some things

For example, I don't "like" Elvis' music, but I respect him and what he did and I certainly don't call anyone else's tastes concerning him into question. As far as Satriani is concerned, the only thing I can say about someone who thinks his music is boring or that he cannot play a "riff" is that perhaps that person isn't very knowledgeable about music and guitar playing in general. It's about respect. I respect your opinion even if you think Tiny Tim is God's gift to guitarists. I'm not going to dump all over that. Who knows, I might even learn something.

once again, i saw Satriani live...his music still bored me....if that makes me less knowledgeable about music than you, i am ok with that....but at least turn the radio down on your high horse as you ride past me