Alltime favorite guitarists

So you don't like Satriani. I get that. But to make a blanket statement about the quality of his playing calls MY opinion into question. I didn't get onto any high horse to begin with, but you began this conversation with disrespect. Opinions are equal - we all have them. But when you make a statement that calls my opinion into question, I will respond in kind. You seem to be the one who is touting your "expanded knowledge" about music in that you seem to think that your opinion trumps others. If you're going to talk the talk, then, by God, you'd better be able to walk the walk. So... how many degrees in music do you have? How long have you been performing professionally? Are you an accomplished and readily working studio musician? How many instruments do you play professionally? You've talked the talk. You've called my opinion down as if it has no worth. Now walk the walk. Either put up or shut up.

good lord man....what on earth are you talking about??

where did i "make a blanket statement about the quality of his playing"??

where exactly did i disrespect you??

where did i say my opinion trumps others??

what walk am i supposed to be walking??