SXSW Bully sucker punch. Justified or cheap?

I hope you guys who red-thumbed what I said realize that what I said was absolutely right. Not one word of it was false. You go around hitting someone with a sucker-punch, or any punch for that matter, and if he ends up in the ICU in critical condition, you WILL be sought by the police and taken to jail. If the man succumbs to the injury, you WILL be charged. Red-thumb all you want, it doesnt change the illegality of the situation.

The last I heard, hitting and threatening other people is considered assault. I don't think you get to commit assault and then sue the person who stopped you, even if they had to use violence. I'm no lawyer, so maybe I'm wrong (I'm sure Chuck will be along to correct me in a moment)...but I kinda doubt there will be any legal backlash on our "good Samaritan." If he's been chasing and hitting these guys for 5 minutes while they keep saying they don't want to fight, I highly doubt he has the moral high ground.