SXSW Bully sucker punch. Justified or cheap?

Ok I'll take back the fact he was looking for a fight. Thing is plenty of ppl could've stepped in to stop it. They didn't. Ill still stand by my words there was plenty of other actions. The guy starting mess was a punk as well. He slapped one guy and tapped the face of another. One of them should've fought.

Go back and watch the video again. The bully was actually going after the guy in the red shirt when the guy in the black shirt put up a hand in a very non threatening way as a barrier -- he was trying to get the bully to back off. He got smacked in the face for trying to do just what you are suggesting no one did.

Also, if you watch closely, the bully was looking at the guy in the red shirt when he turned and smacked the guy in the black shirt. The bully is the one who threw the first sucker punch.