Are we just stuck with harpers contract?

Those of you that say that Spags system was not a good fit for Harper, are correct. Will Ryan use him better like GW? We will see this year.

I also agree that a better front seven would help both our safeties.

Because of his cap hit we should kept him this year and see how he does under RR's defense. The way I read his contract, if we cut him after this season his cap hit would be around 1.2 million for 2014. I'm no Loomis so I could be wrong on that, but it would give us a year to evaluate him in RR's system.

I think there are more prudent ways to spend our cap money this year than taking the cap hit on Harper and replacing him with someone else. Not that we can't find a better player, but that guy will cost too. It looks like our FO agrees.

Lets just see how he does this year and then make a decision, when upgrading if necessary, will be a lot easier in regards to his cap hit.