SXSW Bully sucker punch. Justified or cheap?

You seem to think life is a Rocky movie. I hope for your sake you never get in a real fight.


FYI, wiz, the reason the bully needed to be decked from the side was because he had chosen to pick on people who wouldn't or couldn't defend themselves. He chose to mess with someone and had they stood up to him he would have left like the coward who messes with the small and weak or he would have had to fight.

Bullies don't usually want to fight. They want to feel better about their insecurities and tenises.

When someone relentlessly picks on another and then assaults them with a slap or a push, it takes a big person who could defend himself to not do so, but the bully still needed as *** whooping. He got it. He ended up like the sack of trash he is lying on the curb to be tossed in the truck.