SXSW Bully sucker punch. Justified or cheap?

I'm down with people being against the vigilantism or street fight response. Trying to turn the knucklehead into a misunderstood hero who had just cause if we could only have seen a few more minutes of the back story to see that his actions are totally logical and reasonable response that leads directly to what we see is what's completely unfathomable.

Whether or not the second guy's response is truly justified and ok is totally debatable. Whether or not the guy that got knocked out was being a total ***hat is not.

Once again, we are not trying to turn him into a hero. Who is trying to turn him into a hero? We said he is innocent? Who is saying he isn't guilty? When did I or anyone else say that? I can't sleek for anyone else, but I want to know full details before I just go flying off the handle accusing people before knowing the situation. Maybe those two tried to pick pocket our slap happy friend. Maybe they grabbed his ***. Maybe they tried tripping him. There are a million and one possible directions here but you jump directly to "he got what he deserved for acting like a fool." Are you always this quick at pulling the trigger on someone?