SXSW Bully sucker punch. Justified or cheap?

I agree. But without knowing what caused the altercation to escalate to that point is what I am looking for. Details. Because of a lack of details many a man have been put in prison. Give me the back story so I can more justifiably to around accusing people.

Twyst had great details for me to go off of. He gave me before, during, and a happy ending. This just jumps right into the during and after. Bad story.

I don't see the word "accuse" in my thread.

As for the rest, if you agree, as you stated, that violence directed at those seeking to avoid it is never justified, then there is nothing else to learn about the situation. But you probably don't remember typing "I agree" either :shrug:

I'm not sure what you're doing in this thread. It seems like your trying to claw out a high moral ground position, but you're not just failing to do so, you're sounding schizophrenic doing it.