Fujita leads on gays in NFL

"Former NFL player Scott Fujita has seen enough. He's tired of the bigotry. He wants it to end. He's not alone.

Players like Fujita, along with a coalition of current and former NFL players, and NFL team owners, a music mogul and others, are working diligently to create a safe atmosphere for the day history will happen: when an openly gay man will be a member of an NFL club. People like Fujita -- brave people --are attempting to make the issue a non-issue for when that day comes."

Some believe atmosphere is safe for gay NFL player to come out - CBSSports.com

Shanle is also involved. It doesn't surprise me to see Fujita out in front on this issue; he's outspoken and not scared of anyone or anything. Kudos to him.

Former NFL player? When did he retire?