Baby boy will be here any day now...
My wife has started dilating. At 2 cm yesterday and her due date is April 28. We doubt she makes it to the date. We've began packing and have the car seat waiting in the car. You can say I am starting to get a little nervous, but super excited and ready! It's our first. Any tips?
my lil boy was born june 9, 2011. fun stuff man.
if you're like me, my nerves were SHOT the first week. couldnt eat (dropped 10lbs in 10 days), cold all the time. you'd be amazed how alert you can be even when your little man cant sleep and you get about 4-5 hours of sleep. my wife and i rotated nights to get up with him.
i dont know what you want to do, but my wife and i set up a routine for him. we bathed him about 7, gave him his bottle after, then played with him, put him down for the night about 8/830. lil man is almost 2 and he still wants to eat supper, bathe, drink his milk then go to bed about 9. my bro/sis in law didnt do any kind of routine, their kid went to bed whenever they felt like putting her down, midnight/1/2, whenever. shes almost 2 as well and still cant sleep. wont take naps, nothing. now they regret not doing some sort of routine just so they can get a good nights sleep. just something to think about...
also, learn how to swaddle, its really easy. my boy loved it.
Slide show: How to swaddle a baby -
and my little boy loved this
Cloud B Gentle Giraffe Plush Sound Machine with Four Soothing Sounds - Cloud B - Babies "R" Us
it plays a heartbeat sound, waterfall and some more. the heartbeat was the only way to calm him down when he was a newborn and crying.
btw, hold ya breath for those first few dirty diapers...