Target in trouble with BBWs
See, that's what I really don't get. Manatees are ugly creatures. I mean, truly hideously ugly. They're whiskery and pig-eyed and shaped like turds. They ain't got no alibi.
Why would any company want to draw a parallel between these ugly animals and their clothing -- no matter what size it is? Clothing colors are usually meant to be appealing, which is why you have, say, buttercup yellow and not pee-stain yellow. No woman, regardless of size, is likely to gravitate to "manatee gray" as opposed to "dark heather gray" or even "battleship gray." At least battleships are kind of sleek and cool-looking, unlike manatees.
Also, I have to say the fat-chick hate in this thread is really saddening. I've been a fat chick and a thin chick and a mostly-in-between chick, and totally aside from the foolishness of that Target thing (which, by the way, I think people took way too seriously if they got their XL panties in a bunch over it), it's kind of awful to read some of the meaner comments here.
I didn't know my dysfunctional thyroid ever caused some people so much anguish. I'm sure glad I got it fixed. It's great that I no longer sleep 12 hours a day or suffer the physical symptoms of a hypoactive thyroid, but the real benefit is clearly to society. Now, when some total stranger checks out my caboose, I won't offend his eyes. I'll be sure to keep taking my pills and eating 1,200 calories a day for the rest of my life not so I can continue to function, but so I no longer bring on attacks of nausea in others by daring to go out in public while fat. :rolleyes: